
Retreats are an integral part of our curriculum providing students unique learning opportunities and fostering school togetherness.

Learning Has No Boundaries

Everyone had a blast and, just as importantly, it brought everyone closer together as we started the Schechter School of Long Island’s fifty-second year.Pablo Garcia, SSLI Math Teacher

Project Adventure
High School Retreat
8th Grade DC Trip
8th Grade Shabbaton
Junior Shabbaton
High School Retreat


Experiential education is at our core. Our students receive a dynamic education which gets reinforced and expanded beyond the classroom walls.

Through our yearly grade trips, grade Shabbatons, and the highly anticipated High School retreat, students develop strong bonds with each other and a greater sense of responsibility towards their school community. They come away from these experiences with an increased sense of independence, a deeper understanding of our country’s history, a sensitivity to environmental issues and deeper connection to Jewish tradition.