Schechter News & Blog

  • CommunitySchechter in the News

    A message from SSLI…

    Dear Schechter Community, Yesterday, upon his surrender for arraignment to the Office of the Suffolk County District Attorney, David Ostrove has been terminated from his employment with the school. This action is the result of a lengthy and wide-ranging investigation by the Suffolk County District Attorney into financial irregularities for which Mr. Ostrove was allegedly […]

    By: The SSLI TeamREAD MORE
  • Lower SchoolNewsletters

    Lower School Friday Letter – March 25, 2022

    SSLI Lower School Friday Letter – March 25, 2022 Parshat Shmini/Shabbat Parah – Candle Lighting 6:54 pm Dear Schechter Parents, This week the children at Schechter led a beautiful Kabbalat Shabbat ceremony. This was a special Kabbalat Shabbat, called Dorot – generations. We were delighted to see an impressive turnout, as many friends and family […]

    By: The SSLI TeamREAD MORE
  • Lower SchoolNewsletters

    Lower School Friday Letter – March 18, 2022

    SSLI Lower School Friday Letter – March 18, 2022 Parshat Tzav – Candle Lighting 6:46 pm   Dear Schechter Parents, This week the children at Schechter increased their joy as they were involved in numerous engaging activities throughout this week of Purim. One of the main concepts of Purim is Vinahapech Hu, namely that the tides turned […]

    By: The SSLI TeamREAD MORE
  • Campus LifeCommunityPaw PrintUpper School

    Paw Print Student Magazine – February 2022

    Click here to see the February 2022 issue.  

    By: The SSLI TeamREAD MORE