At Schechter, my children are given a great education and from a young age are taught to give back to the community.
Students participate in community service projects with organizations such as the Ronald McDonald, AHRC, Island Harvest, Materials for Arts, and put on a prom for children with cerebral palsy. Our bi annual blood drive is supported by our community of students, faculty and families and has continuously been winning awards for the most donations made for a school our size.
On a school community level, the parents have formed a Chesed Committee that supports our families in times of loss and Simchas by sending gifts, coordinating meals, carpool assistance for the children and anything else needed. As a school, we ensure that parents who need to say Kaddish can do so in one of the school’s minyanim. Giving is a core Jewish value, and there is no Schechter without our commitment to teaching that all real Jewish living involves giving.