Safety First

Schechter LI
Covid-19 Pandemic Precautions


Schechter Long Island’s safety guidelines have allowed us to maintain our educational standards and remain open throughout the Covid-19 pandemic while thriving.  Our protocols were created utilizing the most current guidance from New York State and Nassau County and those of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the New York State Education Department, neighboring states, local school districts, national school associations, and local health systems.

Click here for the Blue(Paw) Print Plan for Reentry

How We Stay Safe


Masks & Social Distancing:

– All staff, faculty, & students wear masks outside & inside
– Desk are spaced 6 ft. apart
– Re-designed spaces for classroom use/improved health
– Large tents added outside for lunch, recess, gym, social use
– Class size limits, additional staff





– Faculty/staff trained to recognize signs of illness
– How to lead a socially distant classroom
– Mental health training
Students trained in hygiene techniques



Dual Educational Modes:

Our model of instruction allows students who are able to be in school to enjoy almost normal in-person learning while those who are unable to be in the classroom can access their classes through live, remote instruction. Zoom access to class sessions is provided to encourage a community of responsibility and stay home if any symptoms are present. Classrooms are equipped to live-stream lessons, providing opportunities for home-bound students to maintain their class attendance.

Daily Screening:

Parents screen for the continuing good health status of their children each day before sending them to school using the Covid QuickScreen App.


– Playground equipment is disinfected
– Classrooms have an EPA-approved disinfectant spray applied overnight
– Portable sinks have been added in various locations
– Interior doors remain open to diminish the need to touch common surfaces

How We Thrive

Gym Class

Students doing calisthenics in the classroom.

Next: How We Thrive Gym Class
How We Thrive

Gym Class

Students playing badminton.

Next: How We Thrive Gym Class
How We Thrive

Gym Class

Students practicing archery.

Next: How We Thrive Sports
How We Thrive


Students gather for cross country.

Next: How We Thrive Computer Class
How We Thrive

Computer Class

Kindergarteners learn to code with robots!

Next: How We Thrive Piano Class
How We Thrive

Piano Class

Students learn piano in our tent.

Next: How We Thrive Tefilah
How We Thrive


Students worship during Tefilah.

Next: How We Thrive Computer Class
How We Thrive

Computer Class

Students learn to code using Scratch Jr.

Next: How We Thrive Purim
How We Thrive


Lower School students celebrate Purim.

Next: How We Thrive Purim
How We Thrive


Lower School students celebrate Purim.

Next: How We Thrive Purim
How We Thrive


Students play Purim games.

Next: How We Thrive Purim
How We Thrive


Costume fun during Purim.

Next: How We Thrive Giving Back
How We Thrive

Giving Back

Schechter alumni/faculty working the Blood Drive.

Next: How We Thrive Blood Drive
How We Thrive

Blood Drive

Student donates blood.

Next: How We Thrive Social Gatherings
How We Thrive

Social Gatherings

Students play table hockey under the tent.

Next: How We Thrive Election 2020
How We Thrive

Election 2020

Students voting at our in-school election.

Next: How We Thrive Senior portraits
How We Thrive

Senior portraits

Students pose in cap and gown attire.

Next: How We Thrive Skate Night
How We Thrive

Skate Night

Students enjoy a social gathering outside of school.

Next: How We Thrive Senior Portraits
How We Thrive

Senior Portraits

Students pose in cap and gown attire.

Next: How We Thrive Science Class
How We Thrive

Science Class

Hands on experiments bring learning to life.

Next: How We Thrive Read-A-Thon
How We Thrive


Next: How We Thrive 5th Grade Kabblat Tanach
How We Thrive

5th Grade Kabblat Tanach

Next: How We Thrive Spirit Week
How We Thrive

Spirit Week

High school students show their spirit.

Next: How We Thrive Playground Fun
How We Thrive

Playground Fun

Next: How We Thrive Robotics Competition
How We Thrive

Robotics Competition

Students fixing a robot during competition.