At Schechter, we believe strongly in an integrated educational model, in which students acquire general and Jewish studies simultaneously and synergistically. All of our students take a wide variety of classes including English language, history, mathematics, science, engineering, computer science, Hebrew language, Spanish, visual arts, drama, music, Tanach, rabbinics and Israel studies. This integration of such a wide range of subjects reflects our belief that Schechter students should “have it all.”
SSLI is a NYSAIS accredited school. Our general studies classes align with New York Regents requirements. However, these guidelines comprise merely the starting point for our academic rigor. We offer Advanced Placement classes in over fifteen subjects in mathematics, science, history, English literature, psychology, economics and the newest AP Capstone.
Throughout our schools, we believe in the importance of exposition, meaning that project-based modalities are employed wherever possible, and students have a variety of opportunities to show their work to the community. Two examples of this approach are STREAM Day in the lower school, and our new upper school AP Capstone program.
Jewish studies include ever-deepening curricula in Tanach, Mishnah, Gemarah, Midrash, Jewish history and contemporary Jewish thought. As a Zionist school, we also equip our students with a deep knowledge and love of the people and history of Israel, helping to foster strong ties to our ancestral homeland within its modern instantiation.