Our family joined the SSLI community in 2011. Our 3 children entered the 4th, 8th and 9th grades having previously been enrolled at public school. Our single most important reason for transferring to SSLI was our determination to maintain a Jewish household and instill in our 3 children a heightened sense of Jewish values. As our two older children became post bar/bat mitzvah we found it increasingly difficult to observe Shabbat and the various chagim given the external social and academic pressures placed upon them.
After visiting each of the lower and upper schools, the children were each given the option of enrolling or staying in public school. Notwithstanding the reluctance that naturally comes from transferring to a new school and leaving friends behind, they each agreed to enroll at SSLI. What they observed in their visits and what continues to hold true today is that SSLI is a warm, nurturing academic environment infused with love, respect and the practice of Jewish ritual and values.
SSLI has allowed each of them to pursue their academic and extra-curricular interests with significantly less social pressure while giving them the time, space and opportunity to define themselves as young Jewish adults. Seven years after joining the SSLI family, our only regret is not doing so sooner.