This is Schechter, where respect between students and teachers is developed naturally through warm and caring daily interactions that extend from the open faculty room, to the hallways and classrooms, and throughout life after graduation.
Imagine. It’s a Monday morning during aruchat esser (morning snack). The door to the faculty room is open. Inside, 20 teachers from different subject areas and backgrounds are sitting and standing by their desks talking with their colleagues and preparing for the week ahead. A student comes in, then three more… Soon the room is buzzing. Each student is welcomed by name - whether a 9th grader or 12th- and invited by the teachers to sit with them, review homework, prepare for an exam, or simply join the conversation. Our teachers understand that listening to a student talk about their performance in a play or their favorite hobby is an important component of understanding how to help students get the most out of their high school experience.